Saturday, May 9, 2009

Feel so upset these days.. KT2's blog, to me, is so sad.. I'm not very happy..=(

Yesterday, when reading Yen's blog until half, I cried.
Today, When reading Peng's blog, make me sad too.
And Yee's, I don't know, can't read..

It's not a decent sleep last night. Although I went to bed about two in the morning. It's really exhausting after Wesak Day's procession but still can't sleep. My brain keep thinking when I closed my eyes. 

Until now, my eyes still feel swollen and sore. Although I didn't see my eyes in the mirror but I can tell you that my eyes are small now. You know, my eyes are already so small enough.

Cried twice today. 

At first, I'm so embrassed to tell you guys. But, can't hide my sadness.. Yea, seeing all my friends getting scholarships. And Yen too, at first we thought that she will be joining us to Form 6 but now.. And this morning, I told my parents about Yen's and Peng's good news. And you know, parents are always like this. They will sure ask, "why can't you get?",etc. I tried to hold on my tears, but I failed. Tears slowly dropping when I'm eating breakfast outside. (*so embrassed) I didn't blame them, but just it's not the time of questioning, my weak point for now. Although I tried to acted like nothing to me, but still, I can't...

Don't worry, I will keep reminding myself to be strong.. Be strong..

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