Saturday, December 19, 2009

My 9 days 7 nights in China - Day 5&6

Day 5:
After breakfast in the hotel, we hopped on the bus again and started our journey today to the Stone Garden(石頭城) in Nanjing. Stone Garden is the popular name of an ancient fortified city within the current city of Nanjing.

Stone Garden is now a recreational garden. Many elderly can be seen doing exercise(dancing,walk,qi gong,etc). Daddy doing dancing with the granny=]

Almost all of the original city is gone; all that remains are portions of the massive city wall.

We took a group picture together with all the teenagers in our tour. I really make many friends after this trip=]
(from left: Emily, William, Wendy, both my sis, Sze May, Kenichi, Me and Jason)

After that, we visited the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall (侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆), which is the highlight of today's journey. It is located near a site where thousands of bodies were buried, called a "pit of ten thousand corpses" (万人坑).
This is a memorial hall for the people killed in the Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese army in and around the then capital of China, Nanjing, after it fell to the Imperial Japanese Army.
Before we entered the memorial hall, the outdoor exhibit include statues, sculptures, relief carvings, tablets, and a large wall listing the names of victims.

A large listing the names of victims, not including the unknown victims.
Bunches of paper birds for the victims.
The tomb-like exhibition hall, half underground, contains more than 1000 items related to the massacre, including an immense collection of pictures, objects, charts, and photographs. Paintings, sculptures, illuminated display cabinets, multimedia screens and documentary films serve to demonstrate to visitors the crimes committed by the Japanese military.

The skeletal remains of massacre victims, now exhibited in a coffin-shaped display hall.

The offering place which you can buy some flowers or candles for praying.

The sculpture of Peace as the reminder to all the people.

After the 3 hours journey, we had arrived at Wuxi(無錫). We went to see the Grand Buddha at Ling Shan (靈山大佛) which is the largest Buddha statues in China and also the world.

Hopped on the trem with plastic cover to go around the temple because the place is very huge.

Finally, we had arrive at the Buddha statue. The lowest level.

The higher level.

The view from the above.

Higher and higher.

The Ling Shan Brahma Palace, which is built with the combination of Italian-Rome design. It's really very beautiful.

Visitors must put on the cloth-shoe, so that we won't dirty the place, I think.

Inside of the Brahma Place.

The ceiling.

Amazing construction. Amazing!! And a Buddha statue made of pure gold.

I love the design of their ceiling.=]

Ceiling which changes colours. Yellow.

Then, red.


Purple, blue.

The outside scenery of the Brahma Palace when sunset.

The performance of the "Birth of Buddha". Twice a day which free.

The hand of Buddha of Ling Shan.

The Laughing Buddha.

The foot print of Buddha with coins above. Actually, we are not supposed to thrown coins on it. The foot prints of Buddha indicated the presence of the Buddha which means we are thrown coins on the Buddha. Rude!

After sunset around 5.30pm, we went for dinner near Confucius Temple Street before going shopping around there.

Day 6:
Went to Taihu Pearl Showroom for pearls shopping but we didn't buy any pearl. The salesgirl there show how pearl are taken from the osyter.


We visited the Lihu Lake.
Chicken Satey (China's style)

Then, continued our journey about 3 hours again to Hangzhou (杭州). Went to City God Pavilion (城隍閣) to try the Lotus Root Starch (藕粉) which a popular dish in Hangzhou.

Lotus Root Starch which taste sweet but really sticky and concentrated, just like eating glue. But I really like it=]
The view from the Pavilion.

The entrance of the Pavilion.
At night, we visited the Song Dynasty Town to watch the musical show @ 300RMB per person.
The entrance.

The town is arranged in an original Song style, with streets lined with colorful shops, stores, restaurants. It displayed the culture and lifesytle during the Song Dynasty.
The town are full of activities with performances around.

Acrobatic show.

The people doing business in the town are dressed just like the traditional way.

Sigh boards.
Inside the Song Town.

Kenichi and my sis.

When 8.30pm sharp, we went for the musical show which we had already booked our tickets. Look at the crowds of audience.

Parts of the show. It's really awesome. The dance and the music. 300RMB=RM150 per person is really worth it. No regret!!

Some Korea cultural perfoemances.

The title of the show is "Romance of Song Dynasty" (給我一天 還你千年), which means it showed the audience about the Chinese history in one performance. A very meaningful show.

The last photo of the day=]

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